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D Minor 6th Guitar Tuning

Suspended 2nd and 4th - 7th Suspended 2nd and 4th Chords

Suspended 2nd - Suspended 4th - 7th Suspended 2nd - 7th Suspended 4th

The suspended 2nd (sus2) chord is a simple three note chord consisting of the root, second and perfect fifth. It is neither major nor minor since it has no third. In fact the second replaces the third.

The suspended 4th (sus4) chord is a simple three note chord consisting of the root, fourth and perfect fifth. It is neither major nor minor since the fourth replaces the third. Enharmonically the sus4 chord is equivalent to the sus2 chord of its fourth note. For example the Gsus4 has the same notes as the Csus2.

The 7th suspended second (7sus2) and the 7th suspended 4th (7sus4) chords are both four note chords. The 7sus2 chord is made from the root, second, perfect fifth and the dominant or flatted seventh. The 7sus4 chord consists of the root, fourth, perfect fifth and the dominant or flatted seventh.

D minor 6th Guitar Tuningdminor6th.com ©2015 bill@dminor6th.com